torsdag 27 november 2008

Richard ''Groove'' Holmes - Six Million Dollar Man

Organ funk from the mighty Groove Holmes. Released in 1975 on the Flying Dutchman label. Players include David Walker, Chuck Rainey, Tom Scott, Oscar Brashear and many others (see back cover for full detail).

Dumpy Mama

Mama's Groove

Oliver Nelson conjures up some sweet 70's grooves for Groove to groove to. Them two examples should be enough to convince you, right?
  1. Disc-O-Mite
  2. Salsa De Alma
  3. Once Is Not Enough
  4. Dumpy Mama
  5. Six Million Dollar Man
  6. Double Scale
  7. 125th St. And 7th Ave
  8. Mama's Groove


7 kommentarer:

ish sa...

Thanks! Big Oliver Nelson fan.

AMM sa...

a superb drop-many thanks!

Genève sa...

i want his shirt.

Jazzsoulman sa...

Iv'e got a lot of him, but never heard this on. Thanks for sharing

jaguar sa...

Another great LP.

Many thanks.

Aging Blue Eagle sa...

Thank you ! Been looking for once is not enough for such a long time!

imnokid sa...

a re-up would be great.